
  • Datazione: 1942
  • Luogo di nascita: Ampezzo (Udine)
  • Note biografiche: Nata ad Ampezzo nel 1942, Biancangela Zagolin è emigrata in Canada con la sua famiglia all'età di nove anni e si è stabilita a Montréal dove tuttora vive.
    Nel 1976 consegue un Dottorato in Lingua e Letteratura francese presso la McGill University a Montréal con una tesi dal titolo: La Création d'un mythe: la reconstitution esthétique du moi dans Les Mémoires d'outre-tombe. Professoressa di letteratura presso il Collège Vanier a Montréal, Bianca Zagolin è anche traduttrice dall'inglese e dall'italiano di opere di argomento svariato.

    BIANCA ZAGOLIN, a teacher in Vanier College's French Department, wrote a novel, "Une femme à la fenêtre", which was published in Paris in 1988 by Robert Laffont. In 1998 this novel was translated into Italian by Ms. Zagolin and another teacher from Vanier College, Concetta Kosseim, who taught Italian and retired this year. The translation is titled "Una donna a la finestra".

    Altra nota biografica:
    Bianca was born in Ampezzo, Italy (Udine) where she spent her childhood. At the age of nine she immigrated to Canada with her family who settled in Montréal where she attended French schools and where French became her new language. In fact, she completed her doctoral studies with a thesis in French literature.

    Scholar, translator and writer, she had written short stories and critical essays on Québec literature prior to her novel. "Una donna alla finestra" is the story of an immigrant woman who lived in painful isolation in a strange land. With memories of the past and anxieties about the future, she travels an intense sentimental journey which leads to self-discovery, but ultimately to a tragic end. The setting is the character's immigration, but the narrative touches upon eerie aspects of human existence.

    The translation received a grant from the Canada Council and External Affairs and International Trade. In May 1988, Bianca was invited to speak at an international conference in Udine, Italy, on the theme of cultural patterns brought to Québec literature by immigrant writers. Her participation as a Québec writer was sponsored by the University of Udine and the Ministère des affaires internationales du Québec.

    The Vanier Library now has in its collection both the original French and the Italian version, "Una donna alla finestra".

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